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Safely confront your emotions.

Our exhibit, titled Awaken, will do just that. It will awaken parts of yourself that may have been dormant, neglected, or repressed through the pandemic. It will act as a positive healing umbrella, allowing you to safely and creatively confront your emotionally dense experiences during the pandemic through a mixed-media, reflective, and connective approach. 

Global Mixed Media Offerings

The exhibit will offer mixed media submitted from all corners of the globe that will tell the stories of how various parts of the world dealt with the pandemic as a prompt for you to draw connections and differences to your own experiences. 

Projected Videos

Audio Booths

Short Stories

VR Booths

Unique Digital
Writing Walls

After visiting the mixed media rooms, the interactive digital walls will act as a safe outlet for you to release any emotions that emerge as you embark on your journey of awakening. 

Inspiring a Collective Awakening 

At the end of the exhibit, the digital wall will not only create a personal outlet of emotions and introspection, but it will also create a collective experience of “Awakening” as you, along with other participants, will release your thoughts together, surrounded, and supported by one another. 

Promoting Globality

To focus on global experiences and to show differentiating aspects of pandemic experiences across the globe, the exhibit will include different rooms that will be continent-specific, with media displayed from different parts of the world. 

Curious on how to navigate through the exhibit?


Available to everyone across the world - either online or in-person


Submit to us for a chance to have your content featured!


Book your path to enlightenment today!


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